Monday 5 August 2013

Magazine Flipbook attempted - {And a Digital Flip Book looks sassy and more lively than a static flat PDF for reading}

One of my junior colleague is about to purchase a car. And he asked me about the choices that fall under his budget (Rs. 4 lakhs INR). I was in the mood to try out new tools, fonts and design.
I chose to do a thorough research for him (the research results shown in the flipbook are indeed prepared by me after slugging out over various web pages for more than 3 hours) and more importantly - present it in an interesting manner.

I used Google Docs for creating the base research document. Over the course, I used some interesting new fonts:
  • LOBSTER (24-point Bold) -  for heading 
  • AMATIC SC (24 point - Bold) - for points to note
  • CALLIGRAFFITTI (12-point bold handwriting font) -  for PROS and CONS {to look authentic!}
  • OSWALD (18-point BLUE) -  for sub headings 
  • KAUSHAN SCRIPT (48-point Bold) - for thanks 
After this, I added page breaks, exported a PDF and use the web service "calameo" ( for creating a digital flipbook.

Here is the end result (Tip: Within the flipbook, move cursor to corner and turn the page corner as you would do it in a real time)

What are your thoughts about this flipbook concept? Do you find it better in any way over a static document like PDF or a slightly dynamic one like PPT?
Let me know in the comments section.
Also feel free to thrash my choice of fonts (I did not like the way CALLIGRAFFITTI rendered on a standard browser size, looks good when zoomed though.)
Do you know of any other medium for posting research for a reader? Do you have any suggestions for presenting a research better?

Wednesday 22 May 2013

WHO AM I ? I SEE YOU ! The path to being Creative

Creativity by deichgnu, on Flickr

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  deichgnu 

Location: Tech world - a fantasy land that I escape into, once awhile to explore my weapons - most often future weapons - to conquer the unending war of productivity and efficiency. 


Tirade of the market leader Samsung for the flagship toy Galaxy Note: 'Incredibly Creative!' Nice lovely piece of marketing stunt - I am truly in awe of the artist on the advertisement - the guy casually takes a picture, cuts a piece of it and blends it elsewhere to produce a masterpiece - no fuss - just buy the damn gadget and be 'incredibly creative'. 

I just imagine myself how cool it would be to bring many unrelated different environments virtually together. And then eventfully show the magical artistry to my innocent non-techie family members! And beat my chest by pushing it on to the social networks galaxy and shine bright. 

After this, I calmly analyze what I do with my current gadgets. 
I don't create much - I consume, consume and consume. I consume media, I consume internet, I consume documents. The creation part happens mostly on my PC. On-the-go-creation is a cool funky idea. And it stays just that way - an idea. 

Anyway, what captured my imagination and kept buzzing as a keyword in my mind was the word 'creativity'. I have been obsessed by the C word and am very keen on bringing this facet on to my work. My inspiration for this is simple - to be distinctly different (doesn't both the words mean the same???) from the 'run-of-the-mill' communication of ideas.

But here comes the tricky question - what is the yardstick of judging a work being labelled 'creative'. After pondering over this question for quite some time, I have arrived at two tags. One - Originality, Two - Effectiveness.

Rule 1 for creativity - Creative Replication - Such a thing doesn't exist. It is an oxymoron. Your work will never assume a creative trait - by soul - if it does not reflect your character. Maybe I can imagine 'Creative Adoption' in which you adopt an intent and communicate creatively in 'your language'. But there can never be a creative satisfaction if the communication reflects something else other than you. Period.

Rule 2 for creativity - If it does not reach, it is not creative. A creative piece of work drives a point home - effectively for a consumer of the work. A creative piece of work makes it easy for the consumer to digest by virtue of having better contact with the intellect and senses of the user. Thou that hath not touched, shalt not be creative.   

Now I am going to talk what is pertinent to us - Can I be creative from now on consciously? I think so - Yes. And certainly so because I am attempting. 

I am making a conscious decision to understand what I like & what I don't, When I get a point easily & when it is the hardest, what medium appeals to me & what repels. This way I know who I am - Through which I can bring the 'me factor' into my actions. 

Next I an consciously trying to go one more yard - farther and deeper - to reach out my consumer. To touch and feel her. To create the link. 

I am consciously going to take the path of creativity and vow to be distinctly away from mediocrity. Sure, Sure - In this sojourn I will make mistakes, screw up things, get the critical stick - but I will embrace these.