Monday 3 September 2012

Traits of the "rainmakers" and how to become one

"The Rainmaker Professional", Photo Credits: amrufm via Flickr 

The Rainmaker:

Each day of our lives, we get to meet a lot of people doing their work. These people may be selling their product / service to us or they may be our clients or they may be our colleagues. Once awhile during such interludes, some one amongst this crowd may throw up himself / herself as a 'rainmaker'. The coining of the word 'rainmaker' might be more biased on the economical scale and personalized to an institution - but the intent that it is being used here in this post is simple. 

'Rainmaker' is the person whom we want to be associated with. With whom we yearn to enter into a business. Whom you would love to have on your team list. When it is said that these rainmakers throw themselves up amongst a crowd - it barely is by verbal acclamation, but they stand out by their approach towards the work. What is subtle is that the other people in the crowd, although have an envious attitude towards these people, eventually gravitate towards their work.

In this post,we are going to discuss about the approach of our rainmakers towards work. Some people seem to be naturally blessed with these traits while some go through a lot of experiences to imbibe these traits. But here's the good news: the first step towards becoming a rainmaker is being conscious of these traits. After realizing it has to be put into action and then eventually by practicing it again and again, it has to become a characteristic. 

Acquiring these traits present a huge challenge that involves addressing the minute little things in the path but the rewards are very high. You will build up a huge self respect and also be respected by others in your working circles. In the long term, you will be viewed as a 'Go-getter' and become a very influential person in other's life. Ultimately you will start attracting positiveness in all the spheres of your life.

Anatomy of a rainmaker:
Now lets do the mental anatomy of our rainmaker. Here is the list of traits of the 'I-like-to-work-with' individuals that we come across:

Enthusiasm encourages a person to stay open to tasks and face their underlying challenges rather than focusing merely the outcomes. Don't get me wrong - Results do matter. But keeping a constant focus on the results alone is akin to eating merely for having one's stomach full. You have got to enjoy the taste of the food. Rainmakers are process gourmets and this paves way for acquiring a cognitive mindset.
Devotion to one's job is placing the work ahead of one's personal interests, egos, likes & dislikes. In Hindu principals - it is the highest virtue to be possessed by an individual and is treated as a means for attaining spiritual salvation - 'Karma Yoga'. One can often watch rainmakers would just stretch a little bit more to get the work done even when conditions are unfavorable or when people are satisfied.   

Passion arises when the work done makes one feel good about oneself. In other words, it is ignited when the core value of an individual is addressed. Rainmakers associate and bind their core values strongly to the work they do. And passion can make any task that looks tiresome to others, a satisfying pleasure trip for one. 

Focus is born when an assignment poses itself as a challenge. The quest of mastery of work - makes any task a challenge, notwithstanding the magnitude of the task. One would get to observe the rainmakers get 'into the zone' when they encounter challenges. In those Zen moments, one can feel the peak of concentration.

In order to be resourceful, one should venture into unknown territories. Here the focus is on lateral (horizontal) growth and not merely longitudinal (vertical). No doubt rain makers are proficient at what they do, but they also chip-in with significant contributions that could take the pressure of a working partner. Being resourceful also demands that you have a helping nature and a willingness to play the team game.

Experience results when one has the courage to time & again put oneself in a vulnerable, difficult position. And as one gains experience - one also gets composed, balanced and peaceful. All of these resulting from the 'been-there-seen-it-all' attitude complemented by a 'constant-improvement' attitude. Rainmakers  would not be deterred by anything and by virtue of which they have people wanting to come to them for refuge.

Being composed helps you put things in proper perspective. One's judgment and cognitive quotient shoots up when things are approached with a calmness. Rainmakers are real shock-absorbers for the rest of the team. Contributions from a composed person who has clarity of thoughts are always valuable. 

Patiently curious
Curiosity reflects a constant desire to expand oneself in his/her field. However curiosity with desperation works often in a negative way. Curiosity when constant and aided by patience and action results in a positive working mode. Rainmakers are naturally curious - but their patience often results in practical work-around when they do not have a clear answer. This makes them very effective. 

Forward looking
Planning / plotting before acting arises out of a person's tendency to avoid harm or difficulty. But this forethought fuels the evolution of an amateur into a professional. Rainmakers make sure all the bases are covered and often have an alternative plan up their sleeve just in case something fails.

Deliver more
Last but one of the most business relevant trait is add more value than what is expected. How good it is when someone gifts a fountain pen with ink filled in it. That is the art of delivering more. This comes from putting oneself in the shoes of the user and think what adds more value to the transaction. When rainmakers are approached with a service, one can be rest assured that they think more than what is requested and then offer greater value.


At the end of reading this exhaustive list, one might feel overwhelmed by the number of traits listed here. But these traits will throw up as choices or decisions one can take sides in real life circumstances. Identifying and choosing to take these positive decisions will slowly build you up into a rainmaker.
The first time I came across this term in a popular John Grisham novel - initially it represented a street smart person. But as I began encountering my work heroes in real time - it felt very relevant to tag them as my world's rainmakers. Today, I would like to challenge you - to be conscious of these traits and try to imbibe them, put them into action at your work and become rainmakers.    


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